Traveling cost and how to save money for your travels

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Traveling can also be expensive, especially if you don’t plan and save enough money for your trip. The good news is that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. There are plenty of ways to save money during your travels, such as taking public transportation instead of taxis, booking accommodation through comparison websites, and even using social media platforms to get discounts.

traveling savings

Public Transport

If you’re on a budget or have limited time to travel around the city, then traveling by train and bus probably makes the most sense. There will always be trains running out of any major city center but buses may not run every hour in some areas. However, they are usually more affordable than taxis and so much easier to use when getting from A to B. You could take a look at a map beforehand to see which local stations are located near where you want to go and start planning your route before heading outside from your hometown. Also, consider purchasing an unlimited pass so you won’t have to worry about paying again once you reach your destination.


Hostels are another great way to save money while traveling. They tend to be very cheap, offering dorm rooms with shared bathrooms starting at $10 per night. Many hostels offer extras like bike rental, free breakfast, and tours. Hostels also provide travelers with a safe environment to meet other people who share their interests. If you’re interested in saving money while traveling, consider choosing a hostel over staying in hotels. It’s not just cheaper, but you’ll also be able to experience what the locals do.

Coupons and Social Media Platforms

Do you love receiving emails? Then why not sign up for a weekly email deal site? I find deal sites like Groupon and LivingSocial to be useful when looking for something fun to do in the town I’m visiting. Some of these deals include things like free stuff, movie tickets, food, and things to do all within walking distance from wherever you happen to stay. Coupon Sherpa is my personal favorite because they send you coupons right to your inbox. They’ve sent me vouchers for 50% off smoothies, discounts to restaurants throughout New York City, and free things to do after work! My point is, there are lots of ways to increase your savings and gain knowledge about the places you visit


Finally, if you prefer staying in private homes rather than hostels, you might want to consider listing your room for rent on Airbnb instead. Not only does this allow you to earn extra income, but it allows you to meet new people. Plus, many homeowners are happy to receive guests in exchange for tips or services provided (i.e., cleaning, and laundry). To learn how to make money fast, read our post here- How to Make Money Fast Without Investing Cash

Credit Cards

Just like with anything else, credit cards can help you save money. When shopping online, don’t pay via plastic until the total comes to less than $100. Once you reach your goal, apply your newly freed-up funds towards future purchases. This will give you a clearer idea of how much you can spend before reaching your goal.

You shouldn’t need a lot of money to live in San Francisco. Rent prices vary depending on the neighborhood, and even public housing can be fairly expensive. But a recent study found that the average household spends between $9,051-$27,543 on groceries each year, making it one of the cheapest cities for residents to feed themselves. The median cost of living index was nearly $50 higher in Boston ($54,859), but both of those numbers were skewed by the high costs of real estate. For example, a single-family home in San Francisco typically goes for around $800,000, whereas the same house in Boston would typically sell for around $2 million.


we have tried the best travel hacks which we think will save you time and money. We hope this list helps you save some big bucks on your next trip! Check out our full review of the top 10 best travel apps for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. You’ll get access to free guides, reviews, tutorials, and videos so you can start planning your trips and book them hassle-free.



By Dave